Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Light Pod Therapy - The Latest technology in Pain Relief

Have you tried the Light Pod?

(Full-Body Cold Laser Photobiomodulation Therapy)
It sounds futuristic...because it is!

This cutting-edge technology will turn sick cells into healthy cells, giving a reboot to your mitochondria.

Thousands of light beams penetrate the skin, carrying this cold-laser treatment into every cell in your body, speeding up healing 4-10 times the normal rate, reducing pain, improving skin, shrinking fat cells and so much more.

Call 817.733.0116 to schedule, or book online here:

Your first session is just $40!

Grapevine location only

230 N Main St
Grapevine, TX 76051

Monday, November 19, 2018

Cryotherapy and Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the U.S. It effects an estimated 80 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. Common back pain causes include nerve and muscular problems, degenerative disc disease and arthritis. According to the Mayo Medical Clinic, back pain can come on suddenly and last up to six weeks (acute). At times, back pain seems to develop with no a specific cause, and can often be debilitating.

Cryotherapy is an effective alternative to traditional ways of treating chronic back pain. 

One session in the cryosauna will relieve the inflammation that causes back pain. It's comparable to an ice bath, in which the cold decreases inflammation in joints and muscles, only this is much stronger with quicker and longer-lasting results. 

When you enter the chamber for your Whole-Body Cryotherapy treatment, your body's skin receptors send a message to your brain that you need protection. The body reacts by rushing all the blood inward to protect your vital organs. In doing so, the blood is detoxified and oxygenated. The body then sends a map of your central nervous system to the brain. Once you step out of the machine and begin acclimating to the normal temperatures, the blood rushes back out and the body focuses on healing the problematic areas. Inflammation is substantially reduced, and endorphin levels are increased, (Endorphins are your body's natural pain-blockers) Cryotherapy sessions are only 3 minutes with long-lasting benefits. Try multiple sessions per week for even stronger, longer-lasting results!

Cryo-X offers $10 cryo every Wednesday, and unlimited cryo monthly memberships at just $119/month. Give us a call and we will get you scheduled for your first session and answer any questions you may have. 

Pain relief is just 3 minutes away...What are you waiting for? 

200 W Northwest Highway
Suite 201
Grapevine, TX 76051
(Located next door to Redefined Coffee)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Let’s talk about cryo for a minute. It’s this great amazing “cool” therapy, right?

Perhaps you tried a treatment and didn’t notice a thing, and thought “darn. I really wanted this to work!”

Well, you’ve missed something. A VERY important piece of information. Cryotherapy is a therapy. That’s right. Cryo-THERAPY. Now, have you ever heard of any therapy that only took one day?

Example: “Bob started his physical therapy yesterday to recover from his back surgery. That one day of therapy worked wonders for him and he’s ready to get back to playing football again!”

Of course that’s just crazy talk. ;) No therapy takes just one day. It’s a series of consecutive treatments that, with accumulation, create positive and lasting results within the body. 

With whole-body cryotherapy, it’s best to receive 10 treatments within your first 30 days, but if you can do even more, that’s even better! It’s all about accumulation, building one treatment upon the other. Sure, you might get a lot out of one session, but that one session tends to wear off pretty quickly. We know if you’re using cryotherapy correctly, you’ll be amazed at how well your body responds to it! 

Once you’ve accumulated multiple treatments, you won’t have to come in as often. (Some clients still do because they enjoy the mood boost and energy boost!)

Please feel free to pass this information along. Many people can benefit from whole-body cryotherapy, but not if they don’t understand that it is, in fact, a therapy.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Cryotherapy and Autoimmune disorders

Check out Whitney's testimonial!

Guilty. As a working mom of two small children, I am an expert at putting my needs last. Seriously, I can find every excuse in the book. So, when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder a couple years ago that zapped all of my remaining energy, there was literally no motivation to actively put my needs first. I was barely making it through the constant demands of my day. 

By chance, I happened upon an article about the benefits of cryotherapy. I admit, I was skeptical. As someone with limited time, even more limited energy, and a strong dislike for bitter cold temperatures, I was pretty sure that this was NOT an option for me. However, my widespread inflammation was so debilitating that I was willing to try anything once. Just once, I told myself--certain that it wouldn't make me feel better. Well, I was wrong.

After the first session, I left feeling AMAZING. My mood was elevated, I slept much better, and, the next morning, I was able to easily slide on my wedding ring without the usual swelling and discomfort. What?!? Just one session radically changed my mind!! And, after committing to regular sessions, I found that these benefits not only persisted, but they became more profound. I haven't felt this good in over 2 years. My swelling, internal inflammation, and fatigue are all drastically improved and are even completely alleviated on most days. 

There is absolutely no reason to not try this just once (hello, Happy Hour Wednesday deals!!!!). The staff is incredible, professional, and knowledgeable. And, I promise you, the icy cold temperatures are unbelievably worth it!!

Whitney Johannessen

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Whole-body Cryotherapy & Radiation Treatments - Ken's Testimonial

I was diagnosed with lymphoma sarcoma in February 2017. A very close friend of mine, Erin Kistner, insisted that I give cryo a try as it would help me during my radiation treatments. I was still not truly convinced, but Erin was determined and went as far as to pay unlimited treatment for two months.

I had 28 sessions of radiation. I went 5 days a week each afternoon, M-F. I also went to Cryo-X, 5 days a week in the morning, M-F. My radiologist prescribed a cream that I was to use three times a day for the duration of the radiation treatment. The cream was to help with keeping my skin from burning & blistering from the intense radiation that was isolated to the area of the tumor. I only used the cream a half a dozen times during treatment and only applied it two times a day on those occasions. I believe cryo kept my skin from damaging from the radiation!

I was scheduled to have surgery after the radiation treatment, but was told there was a cooling off period of 4 weeks to allow for the skin to heal, but when the surgeon examined my skin, he was amazed, no skin damage! Surgery was scheduled the day after my last radiation treatment.

I firmly believe that cryo helped in several areas with my treatment and now recovery period.

  • More energy, was told my radiation treatment would make me exhausted, never happened. All my Dr.'s were amazed at how much energy I had through all the treatments.
  • Skin undamaged, did not have to wait 4 weeks for surgery, reduced my risk of cancer spreading, tumor removed sooner, radiologist and surgeon were amazed how well my skin looked after treatment.
  •  Maintained a healthy weight during treatment, no severe weight loss
  • Quicker recovery from my multiple surgeries 
  •  Cancer was isolated to the one tumor, no other tumors found
 I want to thank the entire staff at the Grapevine location. They are friendly, genuine, and truly care about the people they treat. highly recommend to all.

Lastly, to Erin, who without her recommendation I would've never tried cryo - THANK YOU!


Ken Whalen

Lewisville, TX

Are you on Facebook? Check out our facebook page HERE  

For more information, please visit

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Treat Your Skin with Whole-body Cryotherapy

During your whole-body cryotherapy session, blood is pulled away to the core, picking up oxygen and nutrients along the way. Upon exiting the cryosauna, the enriched blood is rushed back throughout the body, aiding in toxin removal that leaves the skin glowing and refreshed. 

Whole-body cryotherapy has been known to help with skin issues such as: acne, eczema, stretch marks, psoriasis, scarring and so much more. 

While it is recommended to do at least 10 sessions in your first 30 days, clients typically see results in just 4-7 sessions, as long as those sessions are in close proximity. It's all about accumulation, so the more sessions you can accumulate in the beginning, the better. After that, the key is maintaining, so roughly one session per week can help you maintain your results. (Sometimes more, sometimes less) Maintenance varies from person to person. 

What's so great about whole-body cryotherapy in comparison to medications and creams? It's safe, natural and has no negative side effects!

Friday, January 6, 2017

What's the difference between the cold outside and the cold in the cryosauna?

You may be wondering, as you drive through snow or across icy roads to do whole-body cryotherapy, "Why am I still doing this?" Can't I just stand outside?"

The cold outside is not nearly as beneficial for you as the cryosauna!

The cryosauna triggers your body's cold receptors into protecting you, which sends your body into a head-to-toe reboot! The cold outside simply does not.

Whole-body cryotherapy involves lowering your skin surface temperature to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, by enveloping the body in temperatures at -166 Fahrenheit or colder. It is impossible to achieve this being outside!

The cold outside, while being slightly beneficial to boosting your immune system, cannot even compare to the cryosauna! The cryosauna not only gives your immune system a huge boost, but it also helps flush toxins from the body. Blood is pulled inward, away from extremities during your treatment. Once you step out of the cryosauna, nutrient/oxygen-enriched blood is sent back into your extremities and throughout your body, as lymphatic drainage is increased. The cold outside simply cannot aid in toxin removal.

The cold outside cannot reduce inflammation on the level at which whole-body cryotherapy can. Blood may be slightly pulled away from your fingertips if you're outside long enough, but during a whole-body cryotherapy treatment, blood is not just pulled away from the fingertips. It's pulled from the legs and arms and into the core, as vasoconstriction occurs, meaning vessels are constricted as blood is held in the core!

 The cold outside has little to no benefit on inflammation and pain! In fact, the cold outside, especially when coupled with changes in pressure, can cause joint pain flare-ups. The cryosauna was developed specifically to treat joint pain!

Calorie burning; You might burn 5-10 calories while shivering outside, but the cryosauna triggers a full-out metabolic response in which you'll burn anywhere from 400-800 calories! That's basically an hour and a half's worth of cardio, all from one 3-minute session!

There are so many reasons as to why whole-body cryotherapy is so much better than just standing outside. The reasons listed above are barely skimming the surface, but you catch our drift...The cold outside and the cryosauna are simply incomparable!